This is our Complimentary level of provider service program for the conscientious Alternative Therapy Professional. This service listing is designed for the wellness practitioner who is seeking an active platform for marketing and promoting their business. This moderate frequency directory listing ultimately provides you with a promotions arm that will do for you what would normally consume 3 to 4 hours per day to accomplish. This moderate efficiency directory listing minimizes the countless amount of time focused on non-productive leads. With this moderate intensity services listing you receive the following:

  • A Free active listing with a potential to reach literally hundreds of thousands of individuals, businesses and corporate entities worldwide.
  • An aggressive promotions platform targeting professional organizations like: hospitals, small businesses, government agencies, corporate entities, non-profit organizations and more.
  • Informal introductions (via general exposure on the platform) to organizations that need and are seeking your services right now.
  • An opportunity to work with a wide and diverse group of organizations where you can groom your product and service offering thereby enabling you to develop the status of expert in your chosen field of alternative wellness as quickly as possible without compromising the quality of your work.

Become General Level Service Provider Today

With each of our programs, you have an awesome opportunity to increase your wellness business presence and earnings potential exponentially with a minimum amount of effort and an amazing amount of possibility with the latest and most creatively dedicated on-line wellness site on the planet. Become a member today.